Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sarah Vowell

I went to see Sarah Vowell on her Wordy Shipmates paperback tour at the Powell's in Beaverton. It was weird because that Powell's is in a mall. Also, apparently these high school kids in IB history got extra credit if they attended, so there were a ton of teenagers around. I had a seat in the back and couldn't hear or see that well. Plus it didn't seem that much different from just reading that book (which I thought was awesome) or seeing her on Jon Stewart last week. Then again, I was probably just antsy because my phone was dead and I was trying to find coverage for a work shift so I could take a last minute trip to San Francisco. I ended up leaving the reading early to call like five coworkers and see if they could cover for me. Nobody could. San Francisco would've been so awesome this weekend, I *just* read the line-up for the Treasure Island Music Festival last night and immediately started trying to figure out how to get there. Not to mention a friend just moved there so I'd have a place to stay, and the fact that I've wanted to visit SFO for a million years now... oh yeah, and a friend is driving down there tomorrow so we could've gone together. And, the whole I love Beirut SO MUCH and he is playing there and nowhere else. Ugh. Oh well.

Probably the best part of going to Powell's was the drive to-and-from. I hardly ever drive on the interstate and I always get lost-- but last night I drove on the interstate and didn't get lost. It was a beautiful night, rainy and warm and really bright. I love driving on the Fremont bridge.

When I got home my key broke off in the lock. The key looked so strange afterwards. I went to work early and every single girl was out of bed, they were all up and screaming about spirits and spiders. I read Stranger in a Strange Land and watched part of The Corpse Bride. I am soo tired, I dozed off during the movie and when I woke up my ass was completely numb. I have to snap out of it though so I can have fun tonight.

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