Monday, January 18, 2010


Well, this past week I have found my dad (who I haven't spoken to since 1989) and my ex-stepdad (who I haven't seen since 1999) on facebook. It was a shock seeing pictures of my dad for the first time in twenty years.
Seeing my stepdad after so long made me feel kind of stupid about my weird stupid issues that I have been blaming him about for so long. Facebook just makes everyone (even your estranged family) seem like any old dude. He's just some dude that is a fan of "sleeping in tents" and "slapping dick cheney", and this is the person I've let ruin so much of my life, YEARS after even living with him or knowing him. He was this weird phantom/creator of my neuroses... facebook really shrunk him down to size for me.

Also, finding estranged family on that website has made me reevaluate putting my pictures and stuff like that on there. I think it would be better to be a lot more removed than I am. I guess if you're actually removed from stuff you don't talk about it anymore.

Weird week though. As far as facebook stalking men that fucked me up as a child and then bailed.

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